Friday, January 10, 2014

Fountain of Youth

The fountain of youth is a legendary spring that supposedly restores the youth of anyone who drinks or bathes in its waters. Tales of such a fountain have been recounted across the world for thousands of years.  Herodotus mentions a fountain in the land of Macrobians (from Greek Μακρο that means long and βιω that means life), which gives the Macrobians their exceptional longevity. 

A story of the "Water of Life" appears in the Eastern versions of the Alexander's romance, which describes Alexander the Great and his servant crossing the Land of Darkness to find the restorative spring. The servant in that story is in turn derived from Middle Eastern legends of Al-Khidr, a sage who appears also in the Qur’an.  Arabic versions of the Alexander Romance were very popular in Spain during and after the period of Moorish rule, and would have been known to the explorers who journeyed to America.

Stories of similar waters were also evidently prominent among the native people of the Caribbean who spoke of the restorative powers of the water in the mythical land of Bimini.  The legend became particularly prominent in the 16th century, when it became attached to the Spanish explorer Juan Ponce de Leon who was searching for the Fountain of Youth when he traveled and discovered Florida in 1513.

Humans are still searching and seeking ways to maintain their youth.  In my opinion health the sine qua non of youth can be attained if individuals are fortunate to inherit good genes.  Also they can influence their genetic makeup with good habits such as by adopting a healthy diet like the Mediterranean and by drinking modestly such as a glass of wine a day.  According to recent studies published in New England Journal of Medicine the use of olive oil in our diet and the consumption of one ounce of nuts a day prolongs longevity.  Moderate exercise such as walking 3-4 miles a day is also helpful.  Finally, love for others those being our family members, our friends and even our enemies creates the right milieu to stay and feel young without having to take a plunge in the mythical fountain of youth.

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